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Saturday, March 1, 2008


"I want to go home, he whispered. But his whisper was the whisper he used when he cried in pain when Peter tormented him. The sound didn't go further than his own ears, and sometimes not that far. And his tears could fall unwanted on his sheet, but his sobs were so gentle that they did not shake the bed, so quiet they could not be heard. But the ache was there, thick in his throat and the front of his face, hot in his chest and in his eyes. I want to go home."

I think Ender wanted a pair of those red ruby slippers at that moment. Missing home is something that can easily be related to a situation at TCIS. There are several people in this school with homes in a different country. Although it is not as severe as not even being on the same planet, the two are similar. They have an equal sickness. It is called being home sick.
Ender's prescription for this sickness was to suck it up. He was not allowed to think about home. He wasn't allowed to meet any members of his family until he was twelve, not allowed to write letters and only focus on the battle school. Ender was forced to stop thinking about his home. This solution sounds harsh, but I believe that it had some positive impacts. Although his mind was built up for battle, the "doctor" stopped Ender's home sickness by giving him something else to think about. Another positive way to resolve the situation that came out from that was that he made a new home.

"He wanted to go back home, back to the Battle School, the only place in the universe where he belonged."

1 comment:

Brian Ryu said...

It seems like you have related Ender's Game to TCIS. I feel empathic about it although I am a day student and I see my family everyday. This truely makes sense. Though the length in terms of time is much more longer for Ender, it will be hard for both Ender and TCIS dorm students. It looks like you have put in a lot of thought in this. Yet, as the current day example, do you think you can fully understand how Ender felt? Why or why not?