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Sunday, April 6, 2008


Pg 157

Grandfather’s been dead for all these years, but if you lifted my skull, by God, in the convultions of my brain you’d find the big ridges of his thumbprint. He touched me.
This passage was very meaningful to me because of how realistically, with detail, the author describes how he had been impacted by his grandfather.
When you are touched by a person, their fingerprints that were imprinted in you cannot erase, even after that person has died. The things that special person said, the way they said it and when, and their voice will stay in your mind.
It is a very significant thing for someone to influence your life, and even more for you to influence others' lives. I love how Ray Bradbury talks about the big ridges of this grandfather's thumbprint under the skull in the convulsions of the brain. Influence is invisible. It is not something anyone can see, but something everyone can feel. However although it is imperceptible, it is powerful. It is as if somebody has literally opened up your brain and smeared his or her fingerprints over it. It might be several slight marks, or one clear print, but the important fact is that it was left by that person and it will always remain- right at the place it was marked.


t.mid said...

This is really incredible. I also liked this passage. It was interesting to see how he had described just how much a person can impact our lives. I think what Bradbury was trying to do through this passage was look at ourselves and try to figure out who impacts OUR lives the most. There might be people impacting it in a good way, or a bad way. Either way, impacts are made that determine how our lives go and our way of thinking, by the people around us, by those close to us. Nicely done.


Sumin said...

I really love this post! I like how you chose this passage as the most significant. I agree that this passage is very meaningful. It's true, that even though you can't see it, you can feel it. It's amazing that even though that person might not be there anymore, their influence stays with us for the rest of our lives. Each person's fingerprint is unique; therefore, each influence a person does on us is special and will be unlike everyone else.